Pour quelqu’un qui est toujours présent dans les souvenirs du passé.

1 min readJun 1, 2024


I’m dying when you gone
It’s so hard to do everything
Like the world is ending
Why are you changing so quickly?

I’m tired of all of this
Everything is remind me of us
I want to get rid this feeling
But this needs time to heal

I’m haunted by your voice
Your beautiful smile
Your charming personality
The optimistic person that I ever met

I will not forget with every good thing you do
All the good things
All the goodness
All the good memories
All the good everything

I will keep this forever

I will never mention again
about everything that made us separate

I just will remember all the good things from you
5 years with you were the best moments that I could never forget
This is just a message for you; I never hated you.


